Running a Console Program

You can run any console application, batch scripts or command shells like CMD.exe, PowerShell, Bash Shell, Korn Shell etc. either by browsing and selecting the executable file from Open Program dialog box or by selecting a program from "New Tab" submenu of File if the program is already added. You can check the next section: Adding and Managing Programs. to know how to add program so that FireCMD remembers it's path.

Open Program dialog box can be accessed by selecting "Browse..." in "New Tab" submenu of File menu or by using it's shortcut Ctrl+B. Both the programs list and Open Program dialog box can be also accessed from the toobar. Keeping pressed the first tool button for some time opens the "New Tab" submenu.

Once a console program is running, you can see it's original console window by checking (ticking) "Show Console" option in View menu. Console window can also be made visible/hidden by using keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C.

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