Using Command Prompt's Internal Commands in FireCMD

If you have version 1.2 or later then you can directly execute command prompt's internal commands just like any other commands. Commands like cd, title, path etc. are internal commands of FireCMD shell and thus to use command prompt's version of these commands you will have to either use pre-defined aliases such as cd2, echo2, title2 and date2 or use the method given below.

You can use all the cmd commands in FireCMD. To use the internal commands of command prompt in FireCMD you will have to either use the "cmd:" keyword or create an alias.

For example, if you want to use the cmd's internal command path, then you will have to either type "cmd:path" (without quotes) or create an alias using this command line:

alias path2 cmd /C |||path

After creating the alias you can simply type path2 in FireCMD shell to execute command prompt's path command.

Link: List of all internal commands in command prompt