Path Completer

The pathc command helps the user in completing file and directory paths. When the user starts typing a file system path, it suggests path elements which can be used to complete a file or folder path. It's syntax is as follows:

pathc [<title>="Path Completer" [<label>="" [<isinline>="false" [<maxitems>=10 ]]]]

The "title" is the text which is displayed on the titlebar of the Path Completer dialog box. It's default value is "Path Completer".

The "label" is the text which is shown to the user (it usually gives user an idea about what should be entered).

The "isinline" specifies whether the completions appear inline or not. It is "false" by default i.e. the completions are displayed in a popup window.

The "maxitems" is the maximum number of path element suggestions that are shown in the popup menu. The default value is 10.

Note: The parameters "title", "label" and "isinline" may be empty strings (""). In this case, the default values are used.

Example: pathc "Enter Path" "Enter full path of the file:" false 7

Path Completer - FireCMD

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