Changing Color

The font and background color of FireCMD shell can be changed using the color command. It's syntax is as follows:

color [-f <Red> <Green> <Blue> | -f -n <name/hex_value> | -b <Red> <Green> <Blue> | -b -n <name/hex_value>]

The "Red", "Green" and "Blue" are values in the range of 0 to 255. The "name/hex_value" can be a standardized SVG 1.0 color name or a triplet hexadecimal value in the format #RRGGBB. If no arguments are supplied to the color command then the hex code of current font and background color is displayed.

Please note that color command only changes the color of current tab.

Changing Foreground Color

The switch -f can be used with color command to change the font color.

Syntax: color -f <Red> <Green> <Blue>

Example: color -f 0 0 255

Here we have specified three arguments after the switch -f. These three values are actually the values for colors red, green and blue respectively which can have the numbers from the range of 0 to 255. The above command changes the font color to blue.

To change color using name or hexadecimal code, you can use the -n switch as follows:

color -f -n purple or color -f -n #800080

Any of the above two commands changes the font color to purple.

Changing Background Color

The switch -b can be used with color command to change the background color.

Syntax: color -b <Red> <Green> <Blue>

Example: color -b 255 0 0

Here we have specified three arguments after the switch -b. These three values are actually the values for colors red, green and blue respectively which can have the numbers from the range of 0 to 255. The above command changes the background color to red.

To change background color using name or hexadecimal code, you can use the -n switch as follows:

color -b -n green or color -f -n #00ff00

Any of the above two commands changes the background color to green.

Link : A list of color names with their hex triplet code and decimal code.

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