Customizing Program Options

You customize program and shell options from the "Program and Shells" tab of the Settings dialog box. Settings dialog box can be accessed from the toolbar, by using shortcut Ctrl+Alt+E or from the Tools menu.

Program Options - FireCMD

We can customize the settings for FireCMD shell and the programs which are already added with the help of Manage Shells/Programs dialog box. To change settings for a particular program select it's name from the drop down besides the label "Select program for options:".

You can specify the startup directory, arguments and initial command for programs and shells. The initial command is the command which gets executed when the program or shell is opened.

In FireCMD shell, the last working directory is remembered for next session. To specify a fixed startup directory, uncheck the "Remember working directory for next session" option and then browse and select a folder.

FireCMD shell also allows you to change the prompt style. A prompt which suits you can be selected from the drop down besides the label "Prompt:".

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