Stop Word Lists, word censoring, and renewing my license

Started by bdewey, Jan 19, 2023, 05:30 PM

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In 2020 I purchased my first Braina license, soon discovered that Braina censored many words and did not give me control over the stop word list.  Has this been fixed?  Or is there a better work around than making an Alias for every word I might want to use? I could see that my license had expired.  Before renewing my license, I need to know if this has been resolved before I spend money to renew my license.


You can use currently voice recognition aliases to uncensor cuss words. We have taken a note of this request and we will add dedicated functions to do the needful in upcoming updates.


Having access to a Stop Word list is useful for many things.  Having access and being able to control this is useful in many scenarios.  Even the ability to simply turn off automatic stop words would be useful.

Thank you.


This would be extremely useful for me as well, since I write using BRAINA.