Braina stops listening because of internet "micro interruptions" ?

Started by matt3003, Jun 18, 2016, 10:58 PM

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I posted before to say that Braina didn't work very well on my step father's computer with Windows 10.
After more investigating, I have a better idea of the problem : the problem is the internet connection.

I didn't suspect it before because, even if this dsl line had problems in the past and is not the fastest, it's still perfectly usable (about 4Mbps) and stable - or so it seemed.

I can download big files without any apparent problems, and browse any website, use any services - no problem. So when Braina stopped listening after a while, and I still had a connection on the computer, I didn't suspect the problem was with the connectivity.

However, I now can say for sure that there is - when I tried using a small 4G modem, Braina worked perfectly.
Also, on my laptop, on which Braina works flawessly at my home, I suddenly had the same problem : after a while, Braina stops listening altogether, or need several tens of seconds, or sometimes MINUTES to display what I said.

So this post is not so much to ask for help but to point out a potential problem that could be maybe "fixed" (or strengthened) in the programming :

It seems that, when there are micro interruptions in the internet connection - (which is the only thing I can imagine that would limit connectivity while being undetectable while loading webpages or downloading files due to the fact that most connected services can correct / retry to send / receive the missing packets etc..) Braina can't seem to cope. She doesn't detect the problem, and so does not re-send the data to be transcribe, or do not receive the transcribed data and do not realize it, and she doesn't try to "reset" the connection. (If you stop the listening and start it again, it works again for a while, sometimes for a long while - but Braina does not do that herself because she doesn't detect the problematic connection with your servers)

I realize it is not a "bug" per se - the cause of the problem is the micro interruptions in the dsl connection I assume - but it could be strengthened with a more robust sending / receiving of the data to and from the servers dedicated to the "listening" (with a few more confirmations of data correctly received between Braina and the servers, so that when data is not transmitted like it should, it is send again; or at least so that it reset the connection with your servers when problems are detected - it could be as simple as a few missing packets at the wrong time, a socket that is not closed when it should etc.)

A "dirty" fix could be an option to automatically reset the connection to the "listening" servers every X seconds or minutes.

But I'm afraid that if you are simply using chrome functions, the problem may lie with it and not Braina ? (I will try to test if the same problem occurs when using chrome's voice recognition without braina).

In the meantime I tried to change my dsl connection settings with my ISP - I set it to have a lower speed but with more error correction and I will see if it fixes it.

So to sum up : not really a request, but if other people have the same problem, try if you can to test the same computer on another internet connection to see if it is the real problem (because the symptoms are the same that when there is a problem with the mic settings etc... It took me a while to figure it out).

And to Braina support : Is Braina just using the voice recognition of Chrome, in which case there is not much you could do*, or have you implemented your own version that could be improved ?

(* : I know it seems unlikely given that I'm in the minority and it may not be reasonable to add a setting for such an unlikely occurrence, but an option to reset the listening could be a help to people with questionnable internet connections).

Thanks again for your fantastic product and keep up the good work.


@matt3003 Thank you for your detailed explanation. I have forwarded your valuable observation to our R&D team and they will look into this matter soon and find a solution. Meanwhile, you may press F5 key on the speech recognition window to reset the listening.